Community Planning
CBCAC works towards a sustainable future by leading Chinatown’s urban planning and development, building on the framework developed in our award-winning Chinatown Community Vision Plan.
Great Rivers
CBCAC has been working in partnership with the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) on Our Great Rivers project to research visitors and small businesses. This will help our community and riverfront be more beautified, diverse, and inviting to all.
Chinatown Comprehensive Parking Study
In partnership once again with Chicago Metropolitan Agency of Planning (CMAP), with whom we worked on the Chinatown Community Vision Plan, CBCAC will be launching a 16-month parking management study to address concerns about lack of parking in Chinatown.
We Will Chicago
Partnering with We Will Chicago, we include Chinatown’s voices into the three-year, citywide planning initiative that will encourage neighborhood growth and vibrancy, while addressing social and economic inequities that impair Chicago’ s legacy as a global city.