Proposed Southside Casino Conversations

CBCAC held two spirited discussions on October 30 and November 7, 2019. The first conversation focused on Chinatown and the second on the predominantly Black Southside neighborhoods surrounding Chinatown. The panelists and participants represented a wide range of perspectives on gambling. We hope to continue the discussions so that individuals and groups can work together to build protective measures for residents as casino and gaming expansion become reality in the region. 

The Chinatown conversation had 40 attendees (excluding 4 panelists, 7 representatives from Chinese and mainstream media, and 3 CBCAC staff), while the South Side conversation had 20 attendees (again not including 4 panelists, 3 representatives from the press, and 3 CBCAC staff). The Chinatown event had live interpretation for Cantonese and Mandarin speakers.

Esther Yoon-Ji Kang from WBEZ covered both events:

"During Wednesday’s meeting, a panel that included an urban planner, an entrepreneur and a gambling addiction expert discussed the benefits and drawbacks of a casino. Afterwards, community members talked in small groups about recommendations they would make to decision-makers."

Link to Chinatown conversation coverage

"Some South Side residents said Thursday that if a casino is built in one of their neighborhoods, low-income residents could be hit the hardest. In the second public conversation about the potential impact of a proposed Chicago casino, the Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community (CBCAC) convened residents at the King Branch Library in the Bronzeville neighborhood."

Link to Southside conversation coverage