Events CBCAC Events CBCAC

JOIN US 02.27 1PM---Turning Experience into Vision: Lessons Learned from Peter Liang Case

With all the news surrounding the case of Peter Liang, a Chinese American rookie cop in New York City who has been recently found guilty of manslaughter and misconduct on Feb 11, CBCAC wanted to connect recent events to the vision of the future. Along with other rallies in other cities, there has been a rally in Chicago on Feb 20 with over 4000 people in attendance. This Saturday, we plan to revisit the conversation - whether you are in support or against Peter Liang's verdict - there are lessons to be learned about building Asian American power, especially with the upcoming elections. Please join us in a town hall called "Turning Experience Into Vision: Lessons Learned from Peter Liang's Case" scheduled for THIS SATURDAY, Feb 27, at the Chinatown Library for 1 PM. Please join us!



2月20日,芝加哥華裔歷史性的團結了超過4000人聲援華裔警察Peter Liang。這是第一次芝加哥華裔社區組織如此龐大的公民行動,彰顯了芝加哥華裔不斷增强的公民參與意識。從這次游行活動的糾察隊長周堅剛獲悉,他們團隊組織這次創歷史的游行衹花了一星期的時候,就從注冊機構,游行路綫備案,活動宣傳到游行細節落實等等全部處理好,并吸引了大批華裔參與者。可見,這次游行活動非常成功,也表明了芝加哥華裔是熱心參與政治,參與社區發展的,積極的公民群體。


  • 華裔社區領袖有能力在短時間内凝聚華人群體
  • 芝加哥華裔群體有著越來越强烈的社區參與意識
  • 華裔群體愈發地的團結和關注社區


  • 游行之後,我們將如何保持這股社區參與的能量繼續推動華裔社區的發展?
  • 有怎麽樣的經驗我們可以從這次的游行組織者身上學到的?
  • 今後我們應該沿著怎樣的道路去努力提高華裔的社會地位?

華埠更好團結聯盟連同華埠其他主要機構,將於2016年2月27日星期六  1PM 在中國城圖書館舉辦討論會,我們邀請了游行組織者以及華裔社區領袖來分享他們組織游行的經驗以及日後華裔社區發展的道路。


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Chinatown Centennial Mural Dedication Ceremony

CBCAC along with other community groups including, Chinese American Museum of Chicago, Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Chinese American Association of Greater Chicago and Chinese American Service League, attended the dedication ceremony at the Chinatown Library at 1 PM.

CBCAC along with other community groups including the Chinese American Museum of Chicago, Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Chinese American Association of Greater Chicago and Chinese American Service League, celebrated the official dedication of the Centennial Mural at the Chinatown Library at 1 PM on Jan 23, 2016. It was attended by 100 people, including distinguished guests of State Representative Edward Acevedo and the 2nd District State Representative candidates for 2016, Alex Acevedo and Theresa Mah. A ribbon-cutting ceremony followed at the site. Please visit the centennial mural at its site on Archer and Clark/Wentworth. The north side of the wall represents the past 100 years and the south side of the wall represents the future and its next 100 years. We thank State Representative Edward Acevedo, Alderman Daniel Solis, summer ASM youth, and the membership committee for their contributions to making the mural a site for conversation and placemaking in Chinatown.


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Welcome to Join the DREAMers Resource Conference

The DREAMers Resource Conference will be held on Saturday, January 30th from 10 am-2 pm. Primarily for undocumented students and families, the event will include the following workshops that are led by various community leaders:

-The College Application Process for high school undocumented students
-Strategies to Fund College for undocumented college students
-Healthcare Options for Immigrant Families
-DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) Information Session

The Conference will also include a College and Resource Fair with several different community-based organizations present to describe their services and resources as well as various college representatives for students and families to learn more about. Workshops will begin promptly at 10 am.

If interested, please register at

For more information especially regarding parking/transportation, see


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