2020 State Legislative Candidate Forum
CBCAC and fifteen partner organizations sponsored a forum with candidates for the Illinois Senate 1st District and Illinois House of Representatives 2nd District candidates, to answer firsthand questions important to residents of Chinatown.
The event was March 3, 2020, at Haines Elementary School, with over one hundred people in attendance to hear the four candidates’ responses to questions from organizers and guests. We discussed the topics of safety, education, gentrification, small businesses, and more. To make the information accessible, we provided bus transportation, Mandarin and Cantonese interpretation, and created a guide based on candidates’ answers to help community members make informed votes during the March 17th primary election.
You can view the event here.
Candidates for Illinois Senate 1st District: Froylan Jimenez, Antonio Munoz (Incumbent).
Candidates for Illinois House of Representatives 2nd District: Kenneth Kozlar, Theresa Mah (Incumbent), Bobby Martinez Olson.
Our co-sponsors are: American Fu Jian Business Association, Chinese American Association of Greater Chicago, Chinese American Citizens Alliance - Chicago Lodge, Chinese American Civic Council, Chinese American Museum of Chicago - Raymond B. & Jean T. Lee Center, Chinese American Service League, Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association - CCBA 中華公所, Chinese Christian Union Church, League of Women Voters of Chicago, Midwest Asian Health Association, Project: VISION, Pui Tak Center, Ping Tom Memorial Park Advisory Council, St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church 聖德力華人天主教堂