What are Tariffs? 什么是关税?
Why they’re being put in place & what it will mean for you. 为何征收关税,以及关税对您有哪些影响
What is a Tariff?
A tariff is a tax imposed on foreign-made goods, paid by the importing business to its home country’s government.
For example, if there’s a 10% tariff on all goods from China, a product worth $10 would have a $1 charge added. That charge is paid to the U.S. Government by the importer.
How does this impact consumers? 关税将对消费者造成什么影响?
Because these tariffs are being paid by the importer, economists predict that prices of common goods will rise. ING estimates a rough yearly increase of $835 per person or $3,340 for a family of four.
For example, if Jewel Osco imports $100 worth of vegetables from China, they will have to pay a $10 tariff. This makes the vegetables higher in value, so the grocery store might sell them for more than usual.
如果 Jewel Osco 超市从中国进口价值100美元的蔬菜,他们需要支付10美元的关税。这使得蔬菜的成本上升,因此超市可能会以高于平时的价格出售这些蔬菜。
How does this impact businesses? 关税将对商家造成什么影响?
If goods are selling at a higher price than normal, this may impact demand. Not only will businesses have to pay more on their imports, they will have to sell items at a higher cost to offset their spending.
For example, if a restaurant has to buy its vegetables from Jewel Osco & the price has increased per dish by $10, then the price of that dish might also increase by $10. This increase may be less appealing to customers. 如果餐馆必须从 Jewel Osco 超市购买蔬菜,而每道菜的成本因此增加了10美元,那么这道菜的售价也可能相应上调10美元。这种涨价可能会让顾客望而却步。
What tariffs are being implemented? 目前美国政府正在征收哪些关税?
Trump’s Executive Order on Saturday morning (2/1/2025) imposes tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China, who together accounted for more than 40% of imports into the U.S. last year.
特朗普于 2025年2月1日(星期六) 发布行政命令,对加拿大、墨西哥和中国的进口商品征收关税。这三个国家在去年共占美国进口总额的 40%以上。
A Brief History of the U.S. in Central and South America 美国政府在中美洲各国的政治影响简史
How US involvement in foreign affairs has lead to an increase in displacement. 美国在外交事务中的介入如何导致更多的人被迫迁移
Guatemala 危地马拉
Before 1944, Guatemala was run by leaders who prioritized economic growth and granted large amounts of land to the U.S. and enforced labor exploitation. In 1954, president Jacobo Árbenz took unused land away from the U.S. to redistribute to landless peasants.
Upset by this, the U.S. CIA supported a military coup of the Guatemalan government. This resulted in a 36 year civil war in Guatemala (1960-1996).
This, among other conflicts, has resulted in high rates of Guatemalans migrating to the U.S. border where they are being met with racist anti-immigrant rhetoric.
1954年,总统哈科沃·阿本斯(Jacobo Árbenz)从美国手中收回未使用的土地,以重新分配给无地农民。
El Salvador 萨尔瓦多
The Salvadorian Civil War (1979-1992) took place after a fraudulent president came to power and took civil liberties away from the people. The Salvadorian government was heavily backed by the US because of the two countries’ deep economic, military, and political ties.
The war displaced more than 1 million Salvadorans—roughly one-fifth of the population at the time. With nowhere to turn, they migrated to the U.S.
Honduras 洪都拉斯
During the Presidential election of 2017, there were massive polling irregularities in Honduras. While the Organization of American States (OAS) & the Honduran people argued that a re-vote was necessary, the U.S. recognized as the winner incumbent President Juan Orlando Hernandez.
This sparked political unrest & Hondurans migrating to the U.S., just to be deported back to the harmful conditions that they were attempting to flee.
在2017年总统选举期间,洪都拉斯发生大规模投票违规事件。尽管美洲国家组织(OAS)和洪都拉斯人民认为应当重新投票,美国政府却承认时任总统胡安·奥兰多·埃尔南德斯(Juan Orlando Hernandez)为获胜者。
Venezuela 委内瑞拉
The current president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, claimed the title in 2019, despite global condemnation of a rigged election.
In an attempt to force Maduro out of office, the US barred oil purchases, froze government bank accounts, prohibited the country from issuing new debt, and seized tankers bound for Venezuela. This dirastically impacted the economy and the livelihood of all those living in Venezuela. Since 2020, 80-90% of households are living in poverty.
现任总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗·莫罗斯(Nicolás Maduro Moros)在2019年宣称自己选举获胜,尽管全球谴责其选举存在舞弊。
Argentina 阿根廷
The Argentina dictatorship had been attempted to be overthrown multiple times between 1976 to 1984. Fearing the spread of communism across the Americas, the US offered Argentinian rightist military regimes counterinsurgency training, financial assistance, and intelligence briefings.
With U.S. support, Argentina’s junta kidnapped leftists, dissidents, union leaders and anyone who looked like a threat. Many fled these unsafe conditions.
What’s the takeaway? 我们能得到什么结论?
As the current administration continues to push for deportation measures, it’s important to understand why certain people immigrated to the United States and the conditions they face in their home countries. People rarely leave their home and families for little to no reason, we all came to this country for a better life, but many were forced to leave because of foreign intervention and because they can no longer see a future in their home country.